Friday, August 31, 2012

♥ Fetch! Pet Care Dog Boarding, South Hills Pittsburgh & Oakdale Dog Walking, South Hills Pittsburgh & Oakdale Pet Care, South Hills Pittsburgh & Oakdale Pet Sitting, South Hills Pittsburgh & Oakdale Cat Care ♥

Hello Fetch Pet Care friends & readers~

A lot of people have been asking me for updates about our missing cat, Vegas.  Unfortunately, we have not been able to find him yet.  We've followed numerous leads, but none have been him.  We have not given up hope.  I have realized recently how many people lose pets, and are not sure the best way to go about finding them.  Likewise, so many people find pets and don't know how to go about locating the owner.  I thought I'd put together a list for you all on what to do if you find yourself in either of these situations.  Bookmark it, print it, do whatever you have to do - but these are important things that can help your pet, or someone else's!

1. Put out food & water
Most animals are territorial, and will come home or stay around home.  This is especially true with cats.  It's easy to become disoriented & lost though, so scents from home can help them find their way.

2. Put out pet bed, litter or item of clothing
As with number 1, familiar scents can bring a pet home.  For dogs, leaving out an item of clothing that they sleep on, or that smells like the owner, can help.  For cats, leaving out their litter box can help. 

3. Visit
This one is very important.  If you have lost your pet, make sure you list them on Pet Harbor.  If you have found a lost pet, check Pet Harbor to see if it matches anyone's missing pet!

4.  Check with the police, animal shelters & vets
If you've lost your pet, report it to the police, and all shelters & vets in the area.  Giving them a flyer w/a picture & pet information also helps.  If you've found a pet, check with all these places.  They are likely to know about the missing animals in the area. 

5.  Visit Craigslist
This popular venue for local postings is a must for a lost or found pet.  Post your pets picture & information in both the Lost & Found section, and the Pets section, of your city.  Repost every few days to keep it fresh.  If you've found a pet, check these section, going back pretty far, to see if any match with what you've found.  

6. Make Flyers
This is for lost pets.  Making flyers & hanging them around the area can bring your pet home since it reaches so many people.  With so many pet owners out there, a lot of people take interest in lost pet signs.  When most people see an animal roaming around, they continue on their way.  But if they've seen a sign matching that animal, they are much more likely to stop.  Then they can contact you to report a sighting.  At least then you have some idea where to look since animals can get far quickly.  

7. Social Media
If you've lost or found a pet, post information on facebook, twitter, blogger, and any other form of social media you use.  The more people that see it, the better! 

8.  Alert Neighbors
If you've lost a pet, chances are somebody has seen it roaming around.  Since so many pets stay in the neighborhood, talk to your neighbors!  Let them know your pet is missing, and give them a flyer.  If you've found a pet, ask neighbors if they know who it belongs to.  It could very well be someone's in your own neighborhood.

These are just SOME of the things you can do to help your lost pet, or someone else's lost pet.  The most important thing you can do is to get your pet micro-chipped if they aren't already.  Microchips can instantly bring your pet home if it is brought to a vet or shelter.  If you've found a lost pet that you have actually caught & are caring for - take it to a local shelter or vet to be scanned for a chip.  It's the easiest & fastest way to pair up the owner & pet!

Any more ideas, please let me know!! ♥


♥ Fetch Pet Care Pittsburgh/South Hills, Dog Walking, Dog Boarding, Cat Visits, In Home Overnights, Pet Taxi, Doggie Day Care, and more! ♥

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